The first three-step system designed to target the appearance of cellulite, because - spoiler alert! - it doesn't actually have much to do with fat. The Bounce Box combines our proprietary Cup-and-Slide system with three active products formulated to kickstart circulation, rev up skin’s energy and support elasticity.
Starting with our energy-stimulating, fascia-busting suction cups designed to effortlessly move in circular or zig-zag motions across your body, Cup-and-Slide delivers a triple threat to cellulite: circulation, oxygenation and detoxification. When combined with a serum, scrub and lotion amped up on phytoactives, the Bounce Box is your recipe for contour confidence.
Introducing the first three-step system designed to deliver a triple threat to cellulite: Circulation, Oxygenation and Detoxification. Discover our proprietary cupping treatment and three products packed with circulation-stimulating, energy-boosting, skin-firming phytoactives.